Toronto Housing Market Analysis

This report tracks 24 key housing indicators that provide insight into Toronto’s housing market and the considerable housing challenges that residents face under current and projected conditions. Toronto is projected to experience accelerated population growth over the next 20 years, and vulnerable groups as well as low- and moderate-income households will experience increased difficulty accessing suitable and affordable housing.

The rate of population growth to 2041 is expected to be double the rate experienced since 2006, which would result in a significant increase in housing demand. In the absence of government intervention and action across the housing continuum, Toronto’s low-and moderate-income households will feel increased pressure in the housing market. Unremedied, the housing situation in Toronto will produce consequential challenges for equity, cohesion, and economic prosperity in the city.

The report projects worsening conditions among those already severely burdened households, including low-income households; seniors with multiple health conditions and fixed incomes; lone parent families, households receiving social assistance, and immigrants. The report notes the challenging conditions people face in Toronto’s housing markets, namely steeply rising rents on the rental market, the decoupling of house prices from wages in the ownership market, and a severe lack of supply in the social/affordable housing sector.

This report was prepared in partnership with the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) for the Affordable Housing Office (AHO) of the City of Toronto. Find the full report on the City of Toronto website.



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