Collaborations and Partnerships
Collaborations and Partnerships
We have over 20 years of experience providing critical thinking to a range of social, economic, and strategic issues in Canada and abroad. Our experience and knowledge of socio-economic systems provide valuable insights as to how to approach a problem, how to measure it and how to communicate the key messages that accrue from data-driven analysis.
We provide forecasting, modelling, and data services to other consultants requiring independent and detailed socio-economic analysis to support their own research/project work. Consultants can leverage our data resources to obtain a knowledgeable and alternative perspective on challenging project issues. Joint project partnerships or sub-contractual arrangements can provide an ideal solution to meeting clients’ needs.

Services we offer to other consultants include:
- Data packages. View our data universe
- Forecasting, scenario, and sensitivity analysis, all industries
- Business Cases, Impact Evaluations, and Appraisals, all industries
- Industry Socio-Economic Analysis
- Economic Development and Situational Analysis
- Municipal Government Support
- Regional Growth Risk Management
- Housing Stock and Affordability Analysis
- Social Value Analysis
More than 400
Leading companies and government institutions
Hyper-detailed information accompanies our insights, predictions, and forecasts. Hyper-detailed trend and causation analysis is determined by data with little reliance upon assumptions.
The sheer richness of our data and simulation capabilities, both in terms of who, what, when, where, and the relationships between them, drive an ability to answer many more questions.
As a strictly data-driven firm, we are necessarily apolitical. The consistency of our hyper-detailed local data can be summed and independently verified against official projections by government statistical agencies, central banks, and the OECD.
Our dedication to a one-model systems approach with hyper-trend and causal analysis keeps assumptions to a minimum. Any assumptions are shared openly so you and others can use our results with confidence.