Toronto District School Board

June 2022

The results of this project are not publicly available.

CANCEA provided an updated version of population projections for the GTA and Toronto city neighbourhoods, incorporating the latest population statistics from the 2021 census. The projections were by age and sex, including upper and lower boundaries for the 95% confidence intervals of each expected value until the year 2047. They had included:

  • Expected values of the population by age
    • Lower boundary for 95% confidence interval for each expected value for population by age
    • Upper boundary for 95% confidence interval for each expected value for population by age
  • Expected values of the female population by age
    • Lower boundary for 95% confidence interval for each expected value for female population by age
    • Upper boundary for 95% confidence interval for each expected value for female population by age
  • Expected values of the male population by age
    • Lower boundary for 95% confidence interval for each expected value for male population by age
    • Upper boundary for 95% confidence interval for each expected value for male population by age



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